“I get goose bumps thinking about the humble beginnings of the high school robotics team. It started with a dream and seed money from GIEF.”
— Yi-Chia Schmaeman, Team Coach

The Grosse Ile Educational Foundation, Inc is a volunteer, non-profit community organization committed to life long educational experiences for the students and families of Grosse Ile. We do this by financially supporting creative and exemplary educational opportunities provided through Grosse Ile Township Schools and the community.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit funding organization service the Grosse Ile community since 1995. Teachers, administrators, and local non-profits are welcomed to apply for grants within our guidelines. Our goal is to ensure that our community has the educational resources it needs to be prepared for the future. The financial support of local businesses and our community members allows us to fund these opportunities.
— Yi-Chia Schmaeman, Team Coach
We are a non-profit community organization committed to life-long educational experiences for the students and families of Grosse Ile. Our board members are members of our community, and are all volunteers. The funds that we raise are spent on the betterment of the members of our community.
We need your support to continue to enrich the lives of members of our community. When one thinks of donating to a foundation you can often refer to what we are looking for- time, talent, and treasure. Not only are we looking for money to give back to our schools and community, but we are also looking for volunteers who have time and talent to assist us in raising the funds; through committee work, special events, and donated goods and services.
— Michele Barringer, Literacy Interventionist
The Grosse Ile Educational Foundation, Inc. supports creative and exemplary educational opportunities provided through Grosse Ile Township Schools and community organizations. We do this by providing grants to teachers and local non-profit organizations.
We fund the grants through generous donations from people like YOU, and our annual fundraising activities.
Your support allows the Grosse Ile Educational Foundation, Inc. to empower, educate, and improve the opportunities for our community. We promote excellence and innovation in Grosse Ile, supporting Grosse Ile Township Schools and the Community as a strategic thought partner, and convening stakeholders to drive community solutions.
Since 1995, the GIEF has awarded over 1.8 million in grants to Grosse Ile Schools and community groups. In the past two years alone, the Foundation has approved and granted over $200,000 for exemplary programs advancing our mission.
— Lindsey Parsons, Principal
To date, the Grosse Ile Educational Foundation, Inc. has funded over $1,600,000 in educational grants to our schools and community.
The Grosse Ile Educational Foundation , Inc. has been serving our schools and community since 1995.
In those 27 years, the Grosse Ile Educational Foundation, Inc. has awarded over 460 unique grants.
The Grosse Ile Educational Foundation, Inc. makes an impact upon the community by directly funding educational programs, the purchase of educational materials, and teacher education. While the Grosse Ile Township Schools are central to our mission, our reach is not limited to the district. We also directly fund a variety of community organizations and projects that benefit the community as a whole.
Thanks to your support of the Foundation, 5th graders at Meridian Elementary were able to gaze up at the stars in a Mobile Planetarium.
Thanks to a grant from GIEF to acquire glasses to observe the eclipse, all K-12 students got the opportunity to witness the total eclipse earlier this month. These are the type of educational opportunities that help foster real interest in STEM topics in our student body.
The GIHS weight room gets an upgrade thanks to a recent grant.
Helping students grow their own home library
— Nate Bearinger, Music Teacher
Our board is deeply committed to improving Grosse Ile’s schools and comminuty.
When you think about supporting us, we are looking for time, talent, and treasure. We not only need financial support, but we also need volunteers who have time and talent to assist us in raising the funds. This could be through committee work, special events, or donated goods and services.
Please consider supporting our mission.
Kurt Kobiljak | President
Maggie Wojtkowiak| Secretary
Andrea Stevenson | Treasurer
Joesph Hrabnicky
Dr. Michael Iverson
Duncan Murdock
Andrea O’Donnell
Michael Paisley
Suzie Armiak
Julia Callahan
Sarah Ford
Victoria Gargasoulas
Casey Hamelin
Kelly Papp
Bill Stevenson
Sarah Szymaszek
Ava Thrasher
Paul Thrasher
Audrie Kalisz, GITS Superintendent
Dr. Dan Murphy, GITS School Board