Our Board

Our board is deeply committed to improving Grosse Ile’s schools and comminuty.

When you think about supporting us, we are looking for time, talent, and treasure. We not only need financial support, but we also need volunteers who have time and talent to assist us in raising the funds. This could be through committee work, special events, or donated goods and services.

Please consider supporting our mission.

board members

board of directors


Kurt Kobiljak | President
Maggie Wojtkowiak| Secretary
Andrea Stevenson | Treasurer

Dr. Michael Iverson
Joyce Leslie
Sara Mello
Duncan Murdock
Andrea O’Donnell

Sheila Boardman
Mary Booker
Sarah Ford
Casey Hamelin
Joesph Hrabnicky

Michael Paisley
Kelly Papp
Bill Stevenson
Sarah Szymaszek
Paul Thrasher



community LIASONS

SCHOOL liaisons

Valerie Orr, GITS Superintendent
Nicole Garza, School Principal
Katie Cihak, GITS School Board